Monday, November 21, 2011

Jon Ronson

Jon Ronson signs my books while I try to stop my left arm falling off
Journalist, writer, documentary maker and non psychopath Jon Ronson was in Liverpool to give a talk, mostly about his latest book 'The Psychopath Test'. He was speaking at the Skeptics in the Pub monthly meeting which is organised by the Merseyside Skeptics. It's a monthly meeting with a different speaker each month and is always good as it involves lively debate, beer, free sandwiches and beer. I urge everyone to attend.

Jon Ronson kindly signed all my books, and wrote in one of them, 'Sean you are an awesome superhero'. I laughed but afterwards I thought he's right, I AM an awesome superhero! Rrrrrrahhhhhh! (I made this noise in my head when the realisation hit me)
 (You may have noticed that Jon was wearing a Last Exit To Nowhere t-shirt which is a subtle reference to a famous fictional pyschopath)

(Photo courtesy of Richard Cooper Photography, thanks Rich!)

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